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1 December 2010
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At approximately 11am on Wednesday 1 December 2010, the Gaza Government's internal security apparatus summoned 17 Fatah activists in North Gaza district.
They have been ordered to instantly appear at the apparatus’s office in Jablaia refugee camp.
At approximately 6:30pm on the same day, the apparatus released them.
According to Al Mezan's field investigations, the apparatus detained the summoned persons in two rooms.
Each room is about 15 square meters and contains 20 chairs organized in lines.
The apparatus blindfolded the summoned persons and gave them numbers.
For the first time, the apparatus members called the summoned persons by their numbers, not their names.
Three of the summoned persons were interrogated while the others were not.
The reasons behind this have remained unclear.
Al Mezan identified the names of the summoned persons as follows:
From Beit Hanonu:
Issa Khalil Al Mughrabi, 53;
Mohammed Abdullah Suheil, 41;
Akram Ibrahim Hamad, 41; and
Hasan Hussein Hassan Ad-Dali, 43.
From Beit Lahyia:
Mohammed Adel Al Masri, 50;
Khalid Yousif Warsh-Agha, 39;
Tawfeeq Abdel Aziz Abu Jarad, 29, and
Raed Atiya Al Kelani, 33.
From Jabalia Refugee Camp:
Jamal Sa'eed Obied, 45;
Ahmed Sa'eed Obied, 31;
Yasser Mohammed As-Sayid, 52;
Abdel Aziz Hasan Al Maqadma, 43;and
Ahmed Yousif Naji, 42.
From Jabalia Town:
Iyad I'layan Al Ametal, 30;
Hadi Abdel Mu'ti Abed-Rabbu, 23;
Lu'ai Mohammed Saleh, 49, and
Marwan Na’eem Naser, 40.
Rights of the Child campaign
International Reports
Israeli Attacks on Palestinians and Properties and Victims of Internal Violence, Monthly Statistical Report
Reports and Studies
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