News Briefs

Al Mezan Organizes Workshop for Al Sheja’iya Mothers on Child Rights and Juvenile Justice

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18 October 2016 |Reference 72/2016

On Tuesday, 18 October 2016, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan) organized a training workshop on "Child Rights and Juvenile Justice" for 33 mothers in Al Sheja’iya, Gaza City, in the Gaza Strip.


Nuha Abu Zareefa, lawyer at Al Mezan, opened the workshop by welcoming the participants and thanking them for their participation. She introduced Al Mezan’s work in support of human rights throughout the Gaza Strip. Miss Abu Zareefa gave an overview of the rights of Palestinian children under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Rana al Madhoun, lawyer at Al Mezan, discussed juvenile justice in Gaza; the classification of children under the Juvenile Crime Law; guarantees provided to children for a fair trial under Palestinian laws; and the typical obstacles faced by parents during the first 48 hours of arrest and detention.


Mrs. Al Madhoun noted that juvenile delinquency is associated with external circumstances as well as personal factors, and the family plays a dramatic part in supporting children during home life.


This workshop was conducted in the context of Al Mezan’s efforts to promote human rights principles and standards in the Gaza Strip as a part of Al Mezan's core program.
