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27 September 2017
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At 19:30 on Wednesday, 27 September 2017, a feud between two families turned violent in Shujaya neighborhood in eastern Gaza city. Members of both families used weapons and firearms in the brawl before. the police intervened to stop it. One police jeep, two civilian vehicles and one motorcycle were damaged after being set on fire. Six people suffered from contusions and bruises; their injuries ranged from minor to moderate according to sources at Al-Shifa Hospital. The police opened an investigation into the incident and arrested members of the two families who were involved.
One person killed in a family feud in Gaza
One person killed and nine injured in a family dispute in Al-Maghzi camp; Al Mezan deplores the tragic loss of life and calls for effective gun control
Press Release: Two killed and 15 injured in a family dispute in Gaza: Al Mezan deplores the tragic loss of life and calls for effective gun control
Press Release: Man killed and four injured in a family dispute in Gaza: Al Mezan deplores more tragic loss of life and calls for effective gun control
Press Release: Man killed in a family dispute in Gaza: Al Mezan deplores the tragic loss of life and calls for effective gun control