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Six People Injured by Firearms Shooting in a Family Feud in Rafah

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6 September 2017


At 17:30 on Wednesday, 6 September 2017, two families in Rafah feuded again. Members of the two families threw stones at each other as well as to police vehicles once they arrived in the place of feud. Policemen started to fire in the air, and reinforcements from Khan Younis were sent for help. After several hours, police forces succeeded in settling the feud, detained 70 individuals from both families, and confiscated a number of firearms. During policemen’s settlement attempts, they shot in the air and before stone-throwers. Six people, including one child and four who only were there to watch, were injured. They were taken to Abu Yousif Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, and their injuries were assessed to be moderate.