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Internal Security Continues to Summon Dr. Samir Qdeeh

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24 August 2010

The Gaza Government's internal security apparatus has again summoned Dr.
Samir Qdeh, who lieutenant colonel at the general intelligence apparatus at the Palestinian National Authority.
He was delivered a summons for 24 August 2010.
  On 12 August 2010, the same apparatus searched Dr.
Qdeeh’s house and confiscated some of his belongings.
They handed him a summons to present himself before the internal security apparatus office at the Ansar security compound in Gaza City.
He was released on the same day after issuing him another summons on 15 August 2010 where he was detained from 9am until 5pm and then released, but only after being issued another summons to present himself at the apparatus office on the next day.
  When he went there on 16 August 2010, he was again detained from 9am to 5pm, then released with yet another summons for 18 August 2010.
When he went there, they did not detain him as the apparatus was evacuated due to the risk of Israeli attacks.
The apparatus ordered him to present himself at its office on 24 August 2010.