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Internal Security Apparatus Summons Seven Persons in Middle Gaza District

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14 October 2010

During the past few days the internal security apparatus in Gaza summoned seven persons and searched several houses in the Middle Gaza District.
The apparatus handed a summons to the relatives of Abdullah Jihad Al Ashqar, 25, instructing him to present himself before the apparatus’s office on Thursday 14 October 2010.
On Tuesday 13 October 2010, the apparatus arrested Hamdan Abu Attaya, 23; only to release him and arrest his brother Ziyad, 24.
On Wednesday 13 October 2010, Majdi Hashem Hamad, 22, presented himself before the apparatus office after receiving their summons.
The internal security also arrested Hassan Abdel Aziz Abu Zayid, 25, Ahmed Salman Abu Zayid, 32, and Majdi Abdel Rahman Abu Zayid, 36.