Press Releases

Press Statement: Al Mezan Condemns Attack against PLC Member Zidan

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21 September 2010 |Reference 7/2010

Press Statement   Al Mezan Center for Human Rights strongly condemns the attack against the member of Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Abdel Rahman Zeidan, who is a member of the Change and Reform Bloc Zeidan was arrested from his house.
During the arrest, he was abused and his house was sabotaged.
The arrest and the treatment Zeidan was subjected to represent a blatant violation of Palestinian law.
It gravely contravenes with the PLC bylaws.
  Al Mezan asserts that under Palestinian law PLC members enjoy immunity against such treatment, arrest, or searching of their houses or other property.
Palestinian law organizes the lifting of such immunity from PLC members in certain cases.
  Al Mezan reiterates its strongest condemnation of the on-going campaign of political arrests in the West Bank which mainly targets individuals who are believed to be affiliated or sympathetic with Hamas movement in the West Bank.
Al Mezan calls on the Ramallah Government to uphold the law at all times.
All the persons who have been detained without following the legal process must be immediately released.
The Government must initiate investigations into the manner in which these arrests were carried out.
Persons who prove to have been involved in illegal arrests and/or abuse must be prosecuted under the law.