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5 July 2010
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On the morning of Sunday 3 July 2010, the Gaza Government's internal security apparatus summoned 31 Fatah activists to its office in North Gaza District.
The apparatus asked the summoned persons to bring their ID cards and passports with them.
According to Al Mezan's field investigations, the summonses were stamped 'urgent' written in red color.
The summoned persons were released after two hours.
According to the affidavits of some of the summoned Fatah activists, the apparatus confiscated their passports and asked them to sign a paper to confirm they had been confiscated.
The apparatus also asked them to inform the Ramallah Government that the apparatus would hold their passports until the Ramallah Government sends new blank passports to the Gaza Government for it to issue.
According to Al Mezan, the security apparatus summoned 31 Fatah activists to its office in North Gaza District and 15 Fatah activists to its office in Rafah.
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