News Briefs

Al Mezan Conclude Training Workshop on Human Rights and IHL for Students Blocs at Palestinian Universities in Gaza Strip

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20 August 2009 |Reference 38/2009

On Thursday 20 August 2009, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights concluded a training course on human rights and international humanitarian law.
The training included 30 hours, held over a period of five days in Al Mezan Centre's office in Gaza City.
Twenty-two representatives of students' blocs at Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip participated in the training, which aimed at raising the participants' awareness on human rights and protection mechanisms.
It focused on the right to education, students' rights to participation through forming unions and councils, democracy, elections.
negotiation and leadership.
It also focused on the freedom of expression, which is relevant to the context of students' activism.
The training also included a special introductory section on IHL.
The training also covered human rights protection and its mechanisms.