Press Releases
7 April 2023 |Reference 23/2023
In a very serious escalation of violence, at approximately 12:12 am on Friday, 7 April 2023, Israeli warplanes launched extensive airstrikes on several areas in the Gaza Strip, causing varying degrees of damage in and around targeted areas, as well as terrorizing two million residents in the middle of the night.
Al Mezan field documentation shows that Israeli air strikes on Gaza, which lasted for several hours, targeted Palestinian factions’ military sites and agricultural lands adjacent to the perimeter fence in the eastern and northern Gaza Strip. Israel’s use of high-explosive missiles spread fear and panic among Gaza’s civilian population and caused material damage to dozens of houses and partial damage to Al-Durra Children’s Hospital, in Al-Toffah neighborhood east of Gaza City.
Al Mezan strongly condemns the assault and expresses concerns that it could be a prelude to a larger aggression against the Strip. It must be recalled that these developments take place in the context of Israel’s apartheid against the Palestinian people. In particular, Israel’s apartheid practices against the Palestinians have further escalated with the current far-right Israeli government, including through the escalation of killings, forcible transfers, ethnic cleansing, home demolitions in the occupied West Bank, and the repeated attacks against Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa in occupied East Jerusalem.
Al Mezan calls on the international community to put an end to its policy of double standards and to fulfill its moral and legal obligations towards the protected Palestinian people, including by ensuring that Israel complies with its obligations under international law and is held accountable for its gross violations. Al Mezan also deplores the total silence of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), who has not reacted or taken a position in the face of escalating Israeli violations in the West Bank—including acts amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity according to the Rome Statute of the ICC—thus putting the ICC at risk of losing credibility.
Press Statements
International Humanitarian Law
Schools visits
Israeli Attacks on Palestinians and Properties and Victims of Internal Violence, Monthly Statistical Report
From the war diaries
On the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Journalists: in the absence of justice and accountability, Israel continues to target journalists with impunity
Israel resumed the deliberate use of excessive and lethal force against Palestinian protesters in Gaza, killing one and injuring eight
Israel increases collective punishment measures by suspending goods exports from Gaza for the third consecutive day
Al Mezan condemns Israel's latest racist measure against Palestinian prisoners
Adalah, Al Mezan and ACRI Petition Israeli Supreme Court Against the Law that Denies Administrative Release to 'Security Prisoners'