AOHR Condemns Killing of Peaceful Protestors in Yemen and Supports the Position of the Youth for Change against Granting Amnesty to the President and His Supporters

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25 April 2011

Cairo 25 April 2011   The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) is following the continuous killing of unarmed peaceful protestors in Yemen with grave concern.
These crimes show a trend of premeditated killing in the regime’s confronting of public protests in southern Yemen, such as what happened in the cities of Ebb and Al Baidaa in the past two days where live ammunition was used against protestors, in blatant violation of the rules governing the use of force and using live ammunition in civil disorders.
The use of live ammunition against protestors in Taiz by the security forces, who were dressed in civilian clothes, only exacerbates the concerns of AOHR.
As a result, 40 protestors were injured.
The continuous attacks against protestors in the capital, Sanaa, also exacerbate the concerns of AOHR.
The AOHR condemns these gross violations of human rights.
It asserts the importance of bringing those who committed these crimes to justice in order to achieve justice and ensure redress for the victims.
In this context, the AOHR asserts its support for the position of the Youth for Change uprising who rejected the Gulf States Initiative, which involves illegal and immoral granting of amnesty to the president and his supporters.
The Gulf initiative opens the door for bargains that might interfere with the legitimate demands for change.
The AOHR reiterates its calls on the international community to initiate investigations into the systematic and gross crimes committed by the Yemeni regime in the past three months.
* * * For more information please contact: Alaa Shalaby Executive Director – Member, Board of Trustees Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) 91 Merghani St.
, Heliopolis, Cairo 11341 Egypt Tel +202 24181396 Fax +202 24185346 Mobile +2 010 6488987 Ala.
com – Aladinchalabi@yahoo.
com www.