Press Releases

Press Release: Al Mezan strongly condemns the murder of a woman in Gaza and demands full justice

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19 February 2022 |Reference 06/2022

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights is gravely concerned by the latest case of femicide in Gaza and calls on the relevant authorities to bring the perpetrator to justice in line with international law. According to Al Mezan’s investigations, at around 4pm on Friday, 19 February 2022, the body of 31-year-old Noha Yasin, resident of Az-Zaytoun neighborhood in southeastern Gaza City, was transferred to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza covered in bruises.


The police spokesperson issued a press release stating that the woman died as a result of severe beating and the findings of the forensic experts confirmed that the cause of death was bone fractures in the chest. The 45-year-old husband confessed to the assault.


Al Mezan calls on the Public Prosecutor to implement its legal procedures without resorting to the unacceptable justification of “extenuating circumstances” that is typically employed, enabling laxity and tolerance in proceedings against perpetrators of crimes against women and girls. This must be done while also complying with due process rights.


Al Mezan also calls on the relevant Palestinian authorities to prevent the recurrence of such crimes against women and girls. In doing so, the authorities must uphold the international obligations of the State of Palestine, notably those arising from the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).


Al Mezan reiterates its calls for the competent authorities to address femicide and all homicides equally, and to implement effective policies and strategies to address all forms of gender-based violence. Further, Al Mezan calls for the introduction of family protection laws that ensure the full protection of women in particular and families as a whole.