News Briefs

Al Mezan Holds Session on Protection of Women under International Humanitarian Law

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19 September 2018 |Reference 37/2018

On Monday, 17 September 2018, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights held an awareness-raising session for women at Al-Taghreed Association For Culture And Development in North Gaza. 17 women joined the session to elevate their awareness of women’s protection under international humanitarian law.


Ms. Noha Abu Thareefa, a lawyer at Al Mezan and a member of its Training and Mass Communications Unit, welcomed the attendees and introduced subject material. The participating women were engaged in discussions of the importance of gaining familiarity with major IHL principles that guarantee protection for civilians during armed conflict.


Ms. Abu Thareefa elaborated on IHL’s provisions of protection of women in armed conflict—primarily, the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions. She discussed with attendees the common breaches of the laws of war to which women are subjected, focusing on breaches perpetuated in the access-restricted areas.


At the end of the session, Ms. Abu Thareefa shared information about Al Mezan’s work in monitoring and documenting violations and providing legal to victims.


The session was a part of Al Mezan’s project, “Protection and Promotion of IHL in Gaza”, supported by Diakonia.