News Briefs
12 December 2017 |Reference 76/2017
At 14:00 on 11 December 2017, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights held an awareness-raising session at the co-ed Al Zaytoun Elementary School in Gaza City. Focused on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the session was attended by 40 female members of the School parliament.
Teacher, Mays Bader Addein, welcomed Al Mezan’s field researchers, Mohanned Abdulbari and Khaled Abu Sbaitan, and expressed appreciation for the continuous efforts of the Center to promote human rights through collaboration with the school.
Abdulbari introduced the attendees to the mission pursued as well as the activities and services provided by Al Mezan to the public. “Our main goal is to promote democracy and human rights in the Gaza Strip,” he said.
The session was centered on engaging attendees in discussion of the principles of human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general, and in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in particular.
In the end, Abdulbari extended his gratitude to the school for its collaboration, which forms a crucial part of Al Mezan’s pursuit of protecting and promoting human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, and particularly in the Gaza Strip.
Rights of the Child campaign
Press Releases
From the war diaries
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