7 July 2022
Ruling means that all Gaza residents are banned from any redress and remedy in Israel, regardless of the circumstances, during “acts of war” or otherwise, and the severity of the injury or damages claimed
24 May 2022
Urge Prosecutor to Open Cases from Attack on Palestinians in Gaza in May 2021
24 April 2022
The Israeli air force killing of the four boys on the Gaza beach and the refusal of all levels of the Israeli legal system to hold the military accountable, reflect a policy of total impunity.
15 May 2021
the Israeli Policies of the Forced Displacement, Ethnic Cleansing, Targeting of Civilians and their Property Continue to be Practiced in Light of the Absence of Accountability and Justice
29 November 2020
Al Mezan: the international community must take urgent action to guarantee the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination
19 November 2020
LEGAL FACT SHEET: The Case of Attiya Fathi Al Nabaheen
20 July 2020
Press release: Civil Society Organize Webinar on Collective Punishment in Gaza:
22 June 2020
Al Mezan: Appalling Leniency Attests to Entrenched Impunity