Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Submit File to the ICC

Urge Prosecutor to Open Cases from Attack on Palestinians in Gaza in May 2021


Landmark Decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court Welcomed by Human Rights Organizations

Landmark Decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court Welcomed by Al-Haq, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and Al-Dameer Association for Supporting Prisoners and Human Rights


NGOs to Biden: support access to justice for all by rescinding Trump-era executive order impeding ICC’s work

Open Letter from Global Human Rights Organizations to President Biden


Joint Press Realease: Assessing cases of the 2014 attacks on Gaza leads to definitive conclusion: victims and survivors have been abandoned to non-genuine investigations and gross injustice

On sixth anniversary of the attacks, Al Mezan and LPHR issue respectful call on ICC Prosecutor to include 2014 attacks within the scope of her pending investigation


Joint Open Letter to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Re: Over 180 Palestinian, Regional, and International Human Rights Coalitions, Organisations, and Individuals Call on the International Criminal Court: Time to Investigate Crimes in Palestine, Time for Justice


US Again Threatens International Criminal Court

Member Countries Should Signal Support