International Reports
23 January 2014
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02-12-2013 Article, International Review of the Red Cross, No.
888, by Peter Maurer
In this article*, the ICRC's President Peter Maurer presents the ICRC's view on Israeli policies and practices regarding certain key issues related to the occupation, deriving from Israel's obligations under occupation law, namely the annexation of East Jerusalem, the routing of the West Bank Barrier and the building of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
On the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Journalists: in the absence of justice and accountability, Israel continues to target journalists with impunity
Israel resumed the deliberate use of excessive and lethal force against Palestinian protesters in Gaza, killing one and injuring eight
Israel increases collective punishment measures by suspending goods exports from Gaza for the third consecutive day
Al Mezan condemns Israel's latest racist measure against Palestinian prisoners
Adalah, Al Mezan and ACRI Petition Israeli Supreme Court Against the Law that Denies Administrative Release to 'Security Prisoners'