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Internal Security in Gaza Bans Individual from Travel

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23 March 2013

On Thursday, 21 March 2013, The Internal Security Apparatus (ISA) at the Rafah crossing border banned Sami Atiyya Abu Thaher, former member of Fatah’s provincial committee, 40, from travel to Egypt.
According to Abu Thaher, he arrived at the Rafah Crossing at approximately 10:30 am.
He was then questioned by one security officer about the reasons for his travel.
Abu Thaher explained that he was in a visit to his relatives and for follow-up treatment on an eye surgery he had earlier in Egypt.
At approximately 12:00 on the same day, he was informed by the same security officer that he had been banned from travel via the Rafah crossing.
Abu Thaher asked about the reasons behind the ban, but was only given a written notification and asked to check with the Security Apparatus in the Middle District to identify the reasons of the ban.
Abu Thaher receives treatment at Abu Hanifa Hospital located in Dimyat Al Jadeeda in Egypt.