International Reports
11 June 2015
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1. What is LPHR’s complaint about G4S and where was it submitted?
In November 2013, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) submitted a comprehensive human rights complaint against G4S to a UK government maintained body called the UK National Contact Point (UK NCP). The complaint alleged that some of G4S’ operations in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory (the OPT) are in violation of certain human rights provisions of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (the OECD Guidelines), particularly in relation to G4S’ provision of equipment and services at Israeli prisons, detention centres, and military checkpoints. A copy of LPHR’s complaint is available here.
Each government that adheres to the OECD Guidelines is required to establish a government maintained body, a National Contact Point, to consider complaints under the Guidelines. National Contact Points are not part of the OECD and have no wider responsibilities for OECD functions. The UK NCP, to which LPHR submitted its complaint, is staffed by a small team of officials based in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), and operates independently of BIS Ministers in its consideration of complaints.
In [May] 2015, the UK NCP reached its conclusions on LPHR’s complaint and issued its finding in a ‘Final Statement’. In brief, the UK NCP has found G4S to be in violation of three human rights obligations under the OECD Guidelines in relation to its involvement with Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians. [TBC]...
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