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Judges in Gaza Strip Protest Against the Non-Implementation of Sentences

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10 March 2011

In the morning hours of Sunday, 6 March 2011, the regular courts in Gaza Strip stopped examining appeals and criminal cases in protest against their sentences not being implemented by the police and internal security apparatus.
On Thursday 3 March 2011, the judge at Gaza's Court of First Instance issued a release for two detainees.
The detainees' lawyer went to the detention center and asked for their release, however, the police refused to implement the court decision.
The police claimed that the internal security apparatus had asked for the detainees not to be released.
The lawyer contacted the apparatus office but it refused to release the detainees.
The apparatus referred the detainees from the detention center to the apparatus office.
Following this act, judges in the Gaza Strip called for protests against their sentences not being implemented.