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25 May 2006
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On May 25th, armed clashes erupted in Al Talatini St.
in Al Sabrah neighborhood, injuring 6 Palestinians: Fayez Badaoui, 20, Ahmad Odeh, 20 and Sami Nadeen, 23 who is in critical condition according to medical sources.
Also injured were Shaaban Doghmosh, 40, Hani Skaik, 28 and Adham Al Qassas, 55.
Clashes lasted for around half an hour and a jeep owned by Preventive Security was set on fire.
Al Mezan strongly condemns the police crackdown on peaceful protests in Gaza and assaults on journalists
The police disperse a peaceful protest in North Gaza District
Violation of the rule of law in the Gaza Strip and its impact on Palestinians and their properties
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Press Release: Al Mezan condemns kidnapping of two siblings by armed men