Press Releases
23 October 2001 |Reference 59/2001
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The Israeli occupation forces continue perpetrating crimes against Palestinian civilians and their property.
After the wide incrusion of the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority on Thursday 18/10/2001, the Israeli forcesremain their control on them, and perpetrate crimes against their civilian inhabitants.
As a result, the number of Palestinians killed reaches 28 and about 220 others were wounded, many of them were inside their houses.
The Israeli forces concentrated their acts in Bethlehem, Tulkarim, Qalqilia, Ramallah and al-Berih yesterday, where three Palestinians were killed.
Among the killed is Ayman Adnan Muhammad Abu Halawa, who was assassinated by blowing his car near An-Najah National University in Nablus at about 19:30 yesterday evening according to the Israeli forces sources, Yusif Hussien ash-Shaikh Ied, 65 years old from Nur Shams Refugee Camp near Tulkarim, who was shot with heavy live bullets by the Israeli soldiers stationed on Mazin Abu Adil’s house after turning it into a military point, and Nidal Rajab I’laian, 19 years old from Jabalia Refugee Camp, who died from previous wounds on Saturday 21/10/2001 in Bethlehem.
Moreover, the Israeli forces are bringing tens of tanks in the Gaza Strip.
Eyewitnesses told the center that they saw tens of tanks carried to “Gush Qatif” settlement compound south of the Gaza Strip.
The center’s field workers reported that they observed military mobilization along the borderline between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, especially at Tel as-Sultan, Salahad-Din Gate and Rafah passage areas.
The Israeli forces intruded Rafah yesterday at about 23:30 in Salahad-Din Gate area.
A group of Israeli bulldozers and tanks entered about 150 meters into the area, tanks were seen near Bahlul Petroleum, and started bulldozing of the area till 02:30.
There has also been shelling from the watchtower based near Morag settlement.
It is worth mentioning that the same area has been intruded many times and that tens of houses were bulldozed there.
Yesterday’s attack on salahad-Din area left four houses and nine stores destroyed.
Besides, a supermarket and four stores owned by Hasan Yusif Mustafa ad-Dam were burnt and bulldozed.
Ad-Dam’s losses are around a million US$.
The center’s field worker reported that the area was severely damaged and that the houses destroyed are owned by Hasan Yusif ad-Dam and his brother, Zuhir Mislih Abu Libdih and his brother Ashraf, Yehia Shihdi Zu’rub, Mirvat Abu Halawa and Shihdi Zu’rub, and that the nine stores are owned by Abdul-Al, ash-Shair and Abu Libdi families.
In Northern Gaza, Israeli tanks entered al-Qabtanya area in Bait Hanun in the early morning of Thursday 23/10/2001.
They entered about 300 meters in the area under heavy machineguns shooting.
In addition, there has been intermittent shooting in as-Syafa area near Bait Lahia.
In the face of this serious Israeli escalation and the crimes committed by their belligerent forces, Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights warns from the consequences of continuing the attacks and calls the international community to:
Utalize all the possible means to exert pressure on the occupation state so as to make it stop the crimes against the Palestinian People.
Provide immediate protection for civilian Palestinians and property in the occupied Palestinian territories from the systematic aggression they are exposed to, which aims to cause as much human and material losses as possible among Palestinians .
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